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Poster: craven714 Date: Aug 9, 2012 7:25am
Forum: GratefulDead Subject: Re: I am earworm

"In a 2006 book by Daniel Levitin entitled, This Is Your Brain on Music: The Science of a Human Obsession, he states that research has shown musicians and people with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) are more likely to suffer from earworm attacks." ~ wiki I am a musician and have had OCD for over 30 years. (both) I have music, and songs going through my head every second, of every minute, of every day. Some are mine, and some are others. I cant stop it, and dont want it to stop. I just wish I could write the shit down as fast as its coming out. I cant and its extremely frustrating. I could be a famous song- writer, if I could just get it out. I am sure of it. I sleep and dream music. I wake up with a song in my head EVERY morning. Sometimes its fun to figure what the the song is. Most of the time its right THERE, but sometimes, I have to work it out. It could be anything from a Village People song to Beethovens Pastoral symphony. Today its was a Phil version of 'Tears of a Clown'. I figured it out pretty quickly, and asked no questions... Ba....Da....DA^, ba-da-da-da-da da da (sry. dont know the chords) I have had many a discussion with my room-mate about it: I will go downstairs and frantically search for my ipod, and he will look over and say, "gotta song stuck in your head, doncha?". What gets me is he cant understand WHY I have to listen to the song in order to get it out. I think it just an exorsism of sorts: once I hear it, it goes away. AND ON TO SOMETHING ELSE :) Sometimes, he walks around the corner to find me boppin away to absolute silence: Arms moving, head swaying... and not a noise in the room. I cant explain it. I will just look and say, "cant you hear that?!?". Room-mate shakes head and walks away. I cant blame him... I love this quote AR ~ "One theory is that earworms are a form of mild musical hallucination (normally a rare experience), the distinction being that with an earworm you (a) usually aren’t on drugs or suffering from schizophrenia and thus (b) are fully aware there’s no actual music being played outside of your skull. Another theory is that earworms are a side effect of your brain trying to consolidate memories, akin to what happens in REM sleep. Yet another possibility is pondered by neurologist Oliver Sacks in his book Musicophilia: earworms might simply be a consequence of our being surrounded by music in our lives whether we want to be or not." That about sums it up for me! Except I am on drugs. Many. Roses are red, violets are blue. I have schizophrenia, and so do I. err.... And I have been known to have schizophrenia. No you havent. Yes I have. No you havent. YES, I have. Now shut up and go to bed. Make me. Fuck off. You first. NO, YOU! OK then I will... Stop talking to me! F - you. Sorry bout that. Where was I and me? Oh, thats right. Thank YOU for a great post AR. You have opened my EYES> Sometimes the songs that we hear, are just songs of our own (and some just get stuck in our heads)
This post was modified by craven714 on 2012-08-09 14:25:45